It is finally here, opening day! Get your picking fingers ready folks; Thursday, May 26th is our grand opening. We were a bit delayed this year because of the frost, but are happy to report
the berries are sizing nicely and are looking as yummy as ever.
This year you might see some new things around the farm, one of them being signs that say 5mph. It is really important that we drive slow when coming in and out. Dust on the berries is bad for the plants and the fruit. So if you see these cute little signs around please go slow for the safety of our plants and our pickers!
Another fun feature this year is the ability to download or share your photos from picking! You may have seen our good friend Melissa running around with her camera and taking pictures from time to time. Now you can look back on our photo gallery page, find your picture and share it on social media. If you would rather just save it you can do that too. Just don't forget to tag us! You can find the photo gallery here from years past. See if you can find your picture!